2022년 중국 공휴일 달력
다음 차트는 공식 일정을 제공합니다. 중국 공휴일 휴일은 다음과 같이 분류됩니다. 중국 공휴일 and 기타 중국 공휴일 및 준수.
2022년 중국 공휴일
Date | Holiday | Chinese |
January 1st | New Year's Day | 元旦 |
January 31st - February 6th | Chinese New Year | 春节 |
April 5th | Qingming Festival | 清明节 |
May 1st | Labor Day | 劳动节 |
June 3rd | Dragon Boat Festival | 端午节 |
September 10th | Mid-Autumn Festival | 中秋节 |
October 1st - 7th | National Day Golden Week Holiday | 国庆节 |
Traditional Chinese lunar calendar with Chinese characters, traditional Chinese solar terms and holidays. Made of quality card paper, non-toxic and durable, thick enough and easy to use. Measures 26.7 x 14.5 inches.
We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. 12/19/2021 17:54 pm EST.
2022년의 기타 중국 공휴일 및 준수
Date | Holiday | Chinese |
February 15th | Lantern Festival | 元宵节 |
March 8th | International Women's Day | 妇女节 |
March 20th | Spring Equinox | 春分 |
May 4th | Youth Day | 青年节 |
June 1st | Children's Day | 儿童节 |
June 21st | Summer Solstice | 夏至 |
July 1st | CPC Founding Day | 建党节 |
August 1st | Army Day | 建军节 |
August 4th | Chinese Valentine's Day | 七夕 |
September 10th | Teachers' Day | 教师节 |
September 23rd | Autumn Equinox | 秋分 |
Noveber 11th | Single's Day | 双十一 |
December 22nd | Winter Solstice | 冬至 |
다음과 같은 많은 휴일을 기억하십시오. 설날, 랜턴 페스티벌 and 한가을 축제- 를 기반으로 합니다. 중국 음력 따라서 날짜는 매년 변경됩니다.