Basic Information

Student Profile

Check at many as apply
Consider sports, musical instruments, favorite subjects in school, hobbies, things you are involved in outside of school, etc
Consider weekends, evenings, mornings

CAIS Roommate Preference

You will have the opportunity to share accommodations with fellow CAIS students at various times during our travels. Please list your preferred CAIS roommates below.

Parent Section: Health & Contact Information

This section is to be completed by parents, and will also be shared with the host family so they know how to care for your child.
We strongly encourage pre-trip communication between families! WeChat (link opens in new tab) is a very popular messaging, voice and video chat app in Guilin; LINE (link opens in new tab) is a very popular messaging, voice and video chat app in Taiwan. Please note here your preferred email addresses, Skype names, LINE user ID, etc.

Parent/Guardian Signature