
Chinese Gift-Giving Etiquette

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其次,我们在挑选礼物的时候,需要了解一些常见的礼物。第一,新鲜的水果和花。水果和鲜花是很受欢迎的礼物,适合大部分的场合。第二,包装漂亮的茶。因为茶既有历史价值又有文化价值,而且喝茶对身体好,特别适合送给有地位的人。第三,红包。特别是在春节,在婚礼或者生日上。中国人认为6,8,和9 是吉利的数字,4是不吉利的,因为4的发音听起来像”死“,所以在他们的红包里常常带有6、8和9的数字,比如:600,666,888,999等等,没有4这个数字。第四,植物。如果你的朋友进新房或者常常在办公室工作,植物是不错的选择。




其次,我們在挑選禮物的時候,需要了解一些常見的禮物。第一,新鮮的水果和花。水果和鮮花是很受歡迎的禮物,適合大部分的場合。第二,包裝漂亮的茶。因為茶既有歷史價值又有文化價值,而且喝茶對身體好,特別適合送給有地位的人。第三,紅包。特別是在春節,在婚禮或者生日上。中國人認為6,8,和9 是吉利的數字,4是不吉利的,因為4的發音聽起來像”死“,所以在他們的紅包裡常常帶有6、8和9的數字,比如: 600,666,888,999等等,沒有4這個數字。第四,植物。如果你的朋友進新房或者常常在辦公室工作,植物是不錯的選擇。


Cónggǔzhìjīn, Zhōngguó yīzhí shì yī gè lǐyí zhī guó. Yīncǐ, zài gěi péngyou huò jiārén sòng lǐwù shí yě xūyào lǐyí. Rúguǒ nǐ duì Zhōngguó de sònglǐ wénhuà bùgòu shúxī, nàme běnlái nǐ yǐjīng tiāoxuǎn hǎo de lǐwù fǎnér huì ràng nǐ huòzhě shōulǐ de réng gǎndào bù shūfu. Nàme, zài tiāoxuǎn lǐwù de shíhou, yǒu shénme jiǎngjiu ne?
Shǒuxiān, zài gòumǎi lǐwù qián, nǐ xūyào kǎolǜ jǐ gè yīnsù. Dìyī, yīnwèi Zhōngguórén hěn zhòngshì miànzǐ, mǎi jiàgé héshì de lǐwù, nǐ yào quèdìng huā de qián bùhuì ràng nǐ huòzhě shōulǐ de rén gǎnjué gāngà huòzhě yǒu yālì. Dìèr, mǎi shōulǐrén xǐhuān huòzhě xūyào de lǐwù, quèdìng nǐ mǎi de lǐwù shì yǒuyòng de. Dìsān, mǎi lǐwù shí bìmiǎn mǎi yīxiē rénmen rènwéi bù jílì de dōngxī, bǐrú zhōng, sǎn, lí. Yīnwèi “sòng zhōng” de fāyīn hé “sòngzhōng” (cānjiā zànglǐ) yīyàng; “sǎn” de fāyīn hé sàn (fēnshǒu) yīyàng, “lí” de fāyīn hé lí (líkāi) yīyàng.
其次,我们在挑选礼物的时候,需要了解一些常见的礼物。第一,新鲜的水果和花。水果和鲜花是很受欢迎的礼物,适合大部分的场合。第二,包装漂亮的茶。因为茶既有历史价值又有文化价值,而且喝茶对身体好,特别适合送给有地位的人。第三,红包。特别是在春节,在婚礼或者生日上。中国人认为6,8,和9 是吉利的数字,4是不吉利的,因为4的发音听起来像”死“,所以在他们的红包里常常带有6、8和9的数字,比如:600,666,888,999等等,没有4这个数字。第四,植物。如果你的朋友进新房或者常常在办公室工作,植物是不错的选择。
Qícì, wǒmen zài tiāoxuǎn lǐwù de shíhou, xūyào liǎojiě yīxiē chángjiàn de lǐwù. Dìyī, xīnxiān de shuǐguǒ hé huā. Shuǐguǒ hé xiānhuā shì hěn shòuhuānyíng de lǐwù, shìhé dàbùfen de chǎnghé. Dìèr, bāozhuāng piàoliɑng de chá. Yīnwèi chá jì yǒu lìshǐ jiàzhí yòu yǒu wénhuà jiàzhí, érqiě hēchá duì shēntǐ hǎo, tèbié shìhé sònggěi yǒudìwèi de rén. Dìsān, hóngbāo. Tèbié shì zài chūnjiē, zài hūnlǐ huòzhě shēngrì shàng. Zhōngguórén rènwéi 6, 8, hé 9 shì jílì de shùzì, 4 shì bù jílì de, yīnwèi 4 de fāyīn tīng qǐlái xiàng “sǐ,” suǒyǐ zài tāmen de hóngbāo lǐ chángcháng dài yǒu 6, 8 hé 9 de shùzì, bǐrú: 600, 666, 888, 999 děngděng, méiyǒu 4 zhè gè shùzì. Dìsì, zhíwù. Rúguǒ nǐ de péngyou jìn xīnfáng huòzhě chángcháng zài bàngōngshì gōngzuò, zhíwù shì bùcuò de xuǎnzé.
Zuìhòu, zài yánsè xuǎnzé shàng, nǐ xūyào Jǐnshèn yīxiē. Duìyú xǐshì, Zhōngguórén xǐhuɑn yòng hǒngsè, hǒngsè dàibiǎo gāoxìng, xìngfú huòzhě hǎoyùn. Duìyú báishì, chángyòng báisè huò hēisè, zhè liǎng zhǒng yánsè dàibiǎo huáiniàn, zūnzhòng, yánsù.
Rúguǒ nǐ yào gěi Zhōngguórén mǎilǐwù, nàme yǐshàng xūyào zhùyì de yīnsù nǐ kěyǐ zuòwéi cānkǎo. Zǒng de lái shuō, bùguǎn nǐ yào sòng shénme, xīnyì biàn shì zuì zhòngyào de.
Ever since ancient times, Chinese culture has emphasized the importance of social conventions. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind proper gift-giving etiquette when giving presents to your Chinese friends or family. If you’re not familiar enough with traditional Chinese gifting customs, the present that you choose could end up making you, or the recipient, feel uncomfortable. So, what should you pay attention to when choosing the right gift?
To begin with, there are a few key factors to consider. Firstly, because miànzi (giving and saving face) is a significant part of Chinese culture, it’s important to consider the cost of the gift to ensure that the amount of money you spend won’t make the recipient feel embarrassed or pressured to reciprocate. Secondly, you should select a gift that the receiver will like or need and to ensure that they’ll find it useful. Thirdly, avoid gifts that are considered inauspicious, like clocks, umbrellas and pears; in Chinese the pronunciation of “to give a clock” sounds like “to attend a funeral,” “umbrella” sounds like “split up,” and pear sounds like “to leave.”
其次,我们在挑选礼物的时候,需要了解一些常见的礼物。第一,新鲜的水果和花。水果和鲜花是很受欢迎的礼物,适合大部分的场合。第二,包装漂亮的茶。因为茶既有历史价值又有文化价值,而且喝茶对身体好,特别适合送给有地位的人。第三,红包。特别是在春节,在婚礼或者生日上。中国人认为6,8,和9 是吉利的数字,4是不吉利的,因为4的发音听起来像”死“,所以在他们的红包里常常带有6、8和9的数字,比如:600,666,888,999等等,没有4这个数字。第四,植物。如果你的朋友进新房或者常常在办公室工作,植物是不错的选择。
In addition, it’s important to understand the types of gifts that are commonly exchanged in China. The first is fresh fruit and flowers. Fruit and flowers are generally well-received and make for appropriate gifts in most situations. The second common gift is tea packaged in an attractive tin or wrapper. Because of its health benefits and historical and cultural significance in China, tea makes an especially suitable gift for people of high status. The third common gift is red envelopes filled with cash. These are often given out for birthdays, weddings and the Chinese Lunar New Year. Six, eight and nine are considered lucky numbers in China, whereas 4 is considered unlucky because its pronunciation sounds like the Chinese word for “death.” Therefore, Chinese people often give each other red envelopes containing monetary amounts with sixes, eights or nines, like 600 RMB, 666 RMB, 888 RMB or 999 RMB, whereas amounts including the number four are avoided. The fourth common gift in China is plants. If your Chinese friend just moved to a new home or spends a lot of time in their office, a plant is a good choice for a gift.
Finally, it’s important to be mindful when choosing the color of your gift. During happy occasions, Chinese people prefer the color red because it symbolizes cheer, fortune and good luck. During funerals, white and black colors are used to symbolize remembrance, respect and solemnity.
If you’re planning to give a gift to a Chinese person, keep in mind the above guidelines as a helpful reference. In general, no matter what kind of gift you give, it’s always the thought that counts.
two Chinese red envelopes and a small bird cage


Chinese Gift-Giving Etiquette



其次,我们在挑选礼物的时候,需要了解一些常见的礼物。第一,新鲜的水果和花。水果和鲜花是很受欢迎的礼物,适合大部分的场合。第二,包装漂亮的茶。因为茶既有历史价值又有文化价值,而且喝茶对身体好,特别适合送给有地位的人。第三,红包。特别是在春节,在婚礼或者生日上。中国人认为6,8,和9 是吉利的数字,4是不吉利的,因为4的发音听起来像”死“,所以在他们的红包里常常带有6、8和9的数字,比如:600,666,888,999等等,没有4这个数字。第四,植物。如果你的朋友进新房或者常常在办公室工作,植物是不错的选择。



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🔈  Click on a word’s Chinese characters to hear the pronunciation.

名词 Nouns


动词 Verbs

讲究jiǎngjiube particular about
挑选tiāoxuǎnto choose
确定quèdìngto confirm
避免bìmiǎnto avoid
怀念huáiniàncherish the memory of; to miss

形容词 Adjectives


副词 Adverbs

至今zhìjīnso far, up to now
反而fǎn’éron the contrary
便biàntherefore, as soon as


Vocabulary List Audio (or click any Chinese word for audio)


1. 至今 (zhìjīn)
conj. so far; to this day; until now

至今 (zhìjīn) is an adverb used to indicate that something has occurred consistently from a past time period continually all the way into the present.

Remember, an adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or describes an adjective, verb, or another adverb.

Although there are other ways to use this grammar construction, this passage contains an example of (zhìjīn) as it belongs to the second half of a four-character structure:

从 (cóng; from) + 古 (gǔ; ancient) + until now 至今 (zhìjīn)

Note that in the above four-character structure, the second character 古 (gǔ; ancient) can be replaced with another time phrase. However, 从 (cóng) and 至今 (zhìjīn) cannot be replaced. When used here, 至今 indicates that something beginning during a specified past time frame continues to occur until now.

至今 (zhìjīn) is often, but not always, placed at the beginning of a sentence or clause to introduce a time setting, which is then followed by the predicate.


Cónggǔzhìjīn, Zhōngguó yīzhí shì yīgè lǐyízhīguó.

Ever since ancient times, Chinese culture has emphasized the importance of social conventions.

By using 至今 (zhìjīn) in this sentence, the author emphasizes that social conventions have been important in China since ancient times and remain significant today.

Let’s look at another example:


Wǒmen zài wǎngshàng liáotiān guò le hǎo duō nián, kěshì zhìjīn wǒ hái méi jiàn dào tā rén.

We’ve been chatting online for many years but until this day I still haven’t seen him in person.

Here, 至今(zhìjīn) is used after the sentence’s introductory clause to modify the second clause. After stating that s/he has talked with “him” online for many years, the speaker uses 至今 (zhìjīn) to emphasize that, until this day, she still hasn’t met him in person.

2. 反而 (fǎn’ér)
conj. instead; on the contrary; contrary (to expectations)

反而 (fǎn’ér) is a conjunction used to indicate a denial of what has first been stated by claiming that the opposite, or something contrasting, is in fact the case.

Remember, a conjunction is used to bridge two clauses or sentences.

Frequently, 反而 (fǎn’ér) is used to indicate a shift in thought occurring in the middle of a sentence. When this is the case, the following structure is used:

Clause + 反而 (fǎn’ér) + Opposing Clause

Let’s look at an example:


Rúguǒ nǐ duì Zhōngguó de sònglǐ wénhuà bùgòu shúxī, nàme běnlái nǐ yǐjīng tiāoxuǎn hǎo de lǐwù fǎn’ér huì ràng nǐ huòzhě shōulǐ de réng gǎndào bù shūfu.

If you’re not familiar enough with traditional Chinese gifting customs, the present that you choose could end up making you, or the recipient, feel uncomfortable.

In this sentence, 反而 (fǎn’ér) indicates a shift between two clauses that represent two opposing ideas. By using 反而 (fǎn’ér), the author indicates that if you don’t understand Chinese gift giving customs well enough, the gift you chose because you thought it would be well received will, on the contrary, embarrass you or offend the recipient.

Let’s look at another example:


Dàchéngshì de shēnghuó suīrán hěn jīngcǎi, dàn yī bèizǐ shēnghuó zài nóngcūn de fùmǔ fǎn’ér huì bù shìyìng.

Although life in the big city is wonderful, for parents who have spent their whole lives in the countryside, it can actually be a difficult adjustment.

Here, 反而 (fǎn’ér) is used between two opposing clauses to emphasize that what was originally believed or expected is actually untrue.

After stating that life in the big city is wonderful, the speaker uses 反而 (fǎn’ér) to indicate that parents from the countryside may actually not have had such a positive experience and instead faced difficulties.

3. 便 (biàn)
adj., prep., adv. just; precisely; at once; then; literary equivalent to 就 (jiù)

便 (biàn) is an adverb placed before a predicate to add emphasis or reinforce the sequence of two sequential actions. It is the formal, literary equivalent of the commonly used colloquial phrase “就” (jiù).

When 便 (biàn) is paired with是 (shì), it can be used to indicate that something is exactly or just as described.

Noun + 便 (biàn) + 是 + Adjective

For example:


Zǒng de lái shuō, bùguǎn nǐ yào sòng shénme, xīnyì biàn shì zuì zhòngyào de.

In general, no matter what kind of gift you give, it’s the thought that counts.

In this sentence, 便 (biàn) helps to emphasize that good intentions are the most important when it comes to giving gifts.

便 (biàn) is also used to emphasize that one action happens right after, or as a result, of the preceding action, like in the following examples:


Lóu shàng xīn mǎile yī jià gāngqín, wǒmen jiā biàn duōle yīxiē bù ānjìng.

A new piano was purchased upstairs and now our house is much less peaceful.


Hěnduō shíhòu, jǐnjǐn shì huàn yī zhǒng xīnqíng, huàn yīgè jiǎodù, biàn kěyǐ cóng kùnjìng zhōng zǒu chūlái.

Oftentimes, all you have to do is change up your attitude and perspective, then you’ll be able to deal with your problems.

In both of the examples above, 便 (biàn) appears between two predicates to indicate that one event has happened or will happen as a precise result of the other.


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其次,我们在挑选礼物的时候,需要了解一些常见的礼物。第一,新鲜的水果和花。水果和鲜花是很受欢迎的礼物,适合大部分的场合。第二,包装漂亮的茶。因为茶既有历史价值又有文化价值,而且喝茶对身体好,特别适合送给有地位的人。第三,红包。特别是在春节,在婚礼或者生日上。中国人认为6,8,和9 是吉利的数字,4是不吉利的,因为4的发音听起来像”死“,所以在他们的红包里常常带有6、8和9的数字,比如:600,666,888,999等等,没有4这个数字。第四,植物。如果你的朋友进新房或者常常在办公室工作,植物是不错的选择。



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