
My Neighbor Little Xia

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我第一次见到我邻居小夏是在一个很热的夏天,那时候虽然楼道有很多人,但是我还是注意到了他, 因为他又高又瘦。

那天是周末,朋友们要来我家吃饭,所以我也请他一起到我家吃饭。那时小夏刚搬到这里,他很高兴我请他吃饭。他说这是他第一次在中国朋友家吃饭。我们一边吃一边聊天儿。他告诉我,他是美国人。他在大学就开始学习中文了,但是他觉得他的中文还不够好, 所以就来中国留学了。

他很喜欢住在这儿。 他觉得这儿很安静,附近有很多树, 经常能听到鸟叫的声音。住在这儿除了方便以外,还可以认识很多中国朋友,对提高中文有很大的帮助。他也说了他的爱好,他喜欢爬山,所以他选择了来桂林。



我第一次見到我鄰居小夏是在一個很熱的夏天,那時候雖然樓道有很多人,但是我還是注意到了他, 因為他又高又瘦。

那天是周末,朋友們要來我家吃飯,所以我也請他一起到我家吃飯。那時小夏剛搬到這裡,他很高興我請他吃飯。他說這是他第一次在中國朋友家吃飯。我們一邊吃一邊聊天兒。他告訴我,他是美國人。他在大學就開始學習中文了,但是他覺得他的中文還不夠好, 所以就來中國留學了。

他很喜歡住在這兒。他覺得這兒很安靜,附近有很多樹, 經常能聽到鳥叫的聲音。住在這兒除了方便以外,還可以認識很多中國朋友,對提高中文有很大的幫助。他也說了他的愛好,他喜歡爬山,所以他選擇了來桂林。



我第一次见到我邻居小夏是在一个很热的夏天,那时候虽然楼道有很多人,但是我还是注意到了他, 因为他又高又瘦。
Wǒ dì-yī cì jiàndào wǒ línjū Xiǎoxià shì zài yī gè hěnrè de xiàtiān, nà shíhou suīrán lóudào yǒu hěnduō rén, dànshì wǒ háishì zhùyì dào le tā, yīnwèi tā yòu gāo yòu shòu.
那天是周末,朋友们要来我家吃饭,所以我也请他一起到我家吃饭。那时小夏刚搬到这里,他很高兴我请他吃饭。他说这是他第一次在中国朋友家吃饭。我们一边吃一边聊天儿。他告诉我,他是美国人。他在大学就开始学习中文了,但是他觉得他的中文还不够好, 所以就来中国留学了。
Nà tiān shì zhōumò, péngyoumen yào lái wǒjiā chīfàn, suǒyǐ wǒ yě qǐng tā yīqǐ dào wǒjiā chīfàn. Nàshí Xiǎoxià gāng bāndào zhèlǐ, tā hěn gāoxìng wǒ qǐng tā chīfàn. Tā shuō zhè shì tā dì-yī cì zài Zhōngguó péngyou jiā chīfàn. Wǒmen yībiān chī yībiān liáotiānr. Tā gàosu wǒ, tā shì Měiguórén. Tā zài dàxué jiù kāishǐ xuéxí Zhōngwén le, dànshì tā juéde tāde Zhōngwén hái bùgòu hǎo, suǒyǐ jiù lái Zhōngguó liúxué le.
他很喜欢住在这儿。 他觉得这儿很安静,附近有很多树, 经常能听到鸟叫的声音。住在这儿除了方便以外,还可以认识很多中国朋友,对提高中文有很大的帮助。他也说了他的爱好,他喜欢爬山,所以他选择了来桂林。
Tā hěn xǐhuan zhù zài zhèr. Tā juéde zhèr hěn ānjìng, fùjìn yǒu hěn duō shù, jīngcháng néng tīngdào niǎo jiào de shēngyīn. Zhù zài zhèr chúle fāngbiàn yǐwài, hái kěyǐ rènshi hěnduō Zhōngguó péngyou, duì tígāo Zhōngwén yǒu hěn dà de bāngzhù. Tā yě shuōle tā de àihào, tā xǐhuan páshān, suǒyǐ tā xuǎnzé le lái Guìlín.
Wǒmen chīfàn chīle liǎng gè duō xiǎoshí, bǎ cài dōu chīwán le, chī de hěn bǎo, yě hěn kāixīn. Cóng nàtiān yǐhòu, Xiǎoxià shì wǒ de línjū yě shì wǒ de péngyou, wǒmen jīngcháng yīqǐ wán, zhōumò zhǐyào yǒu shíjiān jiù yīqǐ qù páshān.
Xiǎoxià shì yī gè yòu cōngming yòu nǔlì de xuésheng, lái Zhōngguó liúxué le liǎng nián, biànhuà hěn dà,  Zhōngwén yuèláiyuè hǎo le,  shuōhuà gēn Zhōngguórén yīyàng,  yī jiànmiàn jiù wèn,  nǐ chī le ma?
Zuìjìn tā zài Měiguó zhǎodào le yī fèn hěn shìhé tā de gōngzuò,  tā hěn kuài huì líkāi Guìlín. Dànshì méiguānxi, wǒ xiǎng wǒmen huì yīzhí shì péngyou.
我第一次见到我邻居小夏是在一个很热的夏天,那时候虽然楼道有很多人,但是我还是注意到了他, 因为他又高又瘦。
The first time I ever saw my neighbor, Little Xia, was on a hot summer day. Although the hallway of our apartment building was full of people, I noticed him because he was so tall and skinny.
那天是周末,朋友们要来我家吃饭,所以我也请他一起到我家吃饭。那时小夏刚搬到这里,他很高兴我请他吃饭。他说这是他第一次在中国朋友家吃饭。我们一边吃一边聊天儿。他告诉我,他是美国人。他在大学就开始学习中文了,但是他觉得他的中文还不够好, 所以就来中国留学了。
It was a weekend and some friends were heading over to my place to eat, so I invited Little Xia to join us. He had just moved into our apartment building and was happy I’d invited him. It was his first time having a meal at a Chinese friend's home. We chatted while we ate and he told me that he’s from America. He started studying Chinese in college but didn’t think his Chinese was good enough yet, so he decided to study abroad in China.
他很喜欢住在这儿。 他觉得这儿很安静,附近有很多树, 经常能听到鸟叫的声音。住在这儿除了方便以外,还可以认识很多中国朋友,对提高中文有很大的帮助。他也说了他的爱好,他喜欢爬山,所以他选择了来桂林。
He really enjoys living here. He thinks it’s peaceful and nice to be in a place with so many trees where you can often hear the birds chirping. In addition to being really convenient, living here also allows him to meet a lot of Chinese friends and improve his Mandarin. He also told me about his hobbies and that he likes to hike, which is why he chose to move to Guilin. 
We kept eating for over two hours and finished everything, so we were very full and happy. Ever since that day, my neighbor Little Xia and I have been good friends. We hang out often and go hiking together whenever we have time. 
Little Xia is smart and hardworking. He’s been studying in China for two years and has changed a lot. His Chinese has gotten much better and now he speaks just like a Chinese person. The first thing he says when he sees someone is, “Have you eaten yet?” 
Little Xia recently found a good job in America, so he’ll be leaving Guilin soon. It’s okay though, because I’m sure we’ll always be good friends.
Young American boy and Chinese girl ordering food from a Chinese man at a food stall


My Neighbor Little Xia

我第一次见到我邻居小夏是在一个很热的夏天,那时候虽然楼道有很多人,但是我还是注意到了他, 因为他又高又瘦。

那天是周末,朋友们要来我家吃饭,所以我也请他一起到我家吃饭。那时小夏刚搬到这里,他很高兴我请他吃饭。他说这是他第一次在中国朋友家吃饭。我们一边吃一边聊天儿。他告诉我,他是美国人。他在大学就开始学习中文了,但是他觉得他的中文还不够好, 所以就来中国留学了。

他很喜欢住在这儿。 他觉得这儿很安静,附近有很多树, 经常能听到鸟叫的声音。住在这儿除了方便以外,还可以认识很多中国朋友,对提高中文有很大的帮助。他也说了他的爱好,他喜欢爬山,所以他选择了来桂林。




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🔈  Click on a word’s Chinese characters to hear the pronunciation.

专有名词  Proper Nouns

小夏XiǎoxiàLittle Xia, a character’s name
桂林Guìlína picturesque city in Guangxi, China

名词 Nouns


动词 Verbs

注意zhùyìto take notice of
bānto move, to carry
聊天儿liáotiānrto chat
留学liúxuéto study abroad
提高tígāoto improve
变化biànhuàto change

形容词 Adjectives


副词 Adverbs

一直yīzhíall along, continuously
yòuand, again, repeatedly
yuèmore and more


Vocabulary List Audio (or click any Chinese word for audio)


1. 除了 (chúle)... 以外 (yǐwài), 还 (hái)…
conj. in addition to, besides

除了 (chúle)... 以外 (yǐwài), 还 (hái) is a common Chinese grammar construction used to indicate that there is something else besides what was first mentioned. It functions similarly to the English conjunctions “in addition to,” “besides,” and “as well as.”

除了 (chúle) ... 以外 (yǐwài), 还 (hái) typically follows the below pattern:

除了 (chúle) + Background Phrase + 以外 (yǐwài), + 还 (hái) + Additional Phrase

Note that the subject can be placed either at the beginning of the sentence or right before 还 (hái).

Let’s look at an example:

住在这儿除了很方便以外, 可以认识很多中国朋友。

Zhù zài zhèr chúle hěn fāngbiàn yǐwài, hái kěyǐ rènshi hěnduō Zhōngguó péngyou.

In addition to being really convenient, living here also allows you to meet a lot of Chinese friends.

In the Chinese sentence, the subject, “living here,” (住在这儿; zhù zài zhèr) is introduced before the first part of the grammar construction (除了; chúle). The background phrase, situated between 除了 (chúle) and 以外 (yǐwài) indicates that the subject is not only “really convenient” (很方便; hěn fāngbiàn) and causes the reader to anticipate the mention of some other positive aspect of living in China later in the sentence.

The additional phrase, “also allows you to meet a lot of Chinese friends” (可以认识很多中国朋友; kěyǐ rènshi hěnduō Zhōngguó péngyou) positioned after 还 (hái) suggests that where the speaker lives is also a good place to meet Chinese friends.

Here, the speaker uses the 除了 (chúle)... 以外 (yǐwài), 还 (hái) grammar structure to convey that there is not only one, but two good things about the place he/she lives.

还 hái is also interchangeable with 也 (yě) when used within this grammar structure, as can be seen in the following pair of sentences:


Chúle guìlín mǐfěn yǐwài, wǒ hái yě xǐhuan chī Běijīng kǎoyā.

Besides Guilin rice noodles, I also like eating Peking duck.


Chúle Guìlín mǐfěn yǐwài, wǒ yě xǐhuan chī Běijīng kǎoyā.

Besides Guilin rice noodles, I also like eating Peking duck.

In both example sentences above, the speaker uses the 除了 (chúle)... 以外 (yǐwài), 还 (hái) / 也 (yě) pattern to convey that in addition to eating Guilin rice noodles, he/she is also a fan of Peking duck.

2. 只要 (zhǐyào) ... 就 (jiù)
conj. as long as … then 

只要 (zhǐyào) ... 就 (jiù) is Chinese grammar pattern that means “as long as… then.” This construction is frequently used to express the idea that as long as the necessary condition occurs, the result of the condition will also occur.

When used in a sentence, it typically follows this pattern:

只要 (zhǐyào) + Condition + 就 (jiù) + Result


Zhǐyào nǐ nǔlì, jiù kěyǐ tígāo nǐ de Zhōngwén.

As long as you work hard, you’ll be able to improve your Chinese.

In this sentence, “as long as” (只要; zhǐyào), is followed by the necessary condition “you work hard” (你努力; nǐ nǔlì). After “then” (就; jiù) comes the result, “you’ll be able to improve your Chinese” (可以提高你的中文; kěyǐ tígāo nǐ de zhōngwén). Here, the speaker implies that working hard is an effective and essential way to improve your Chinese.

Let’s look at another example:


Wǒmen jīngcháng yīqǐ wán, zhōumò zhǐyào yǒu shíjiān jiù yīqǐ qù páshān.

We hang out often and go hiking together whenever we have time.

In this sentence, the speaker uses 只要 (zhǐyào) ... 就 (jiù) to state that as long as we have the time, we always go hiking together.

3. 一边 (yībiān) … 一边 (yībiān)
conj. at the same time, occurring simultaneously 

一边 (yībiān) … 一边 (yībiān) is a Chinese grammatical construction used to demonstrate that two active, ongoing actions are happening at the same time.

When used in a sentence, it typically follows this pattern:

Subject + 一边 (yībiān) + Verb Phrase 1 + 一边 (yībiān) + Verb Phrase 2

Note that the subject of both of the verb phrases must be consistent when using this construction.

Let’s look at an example:


Wǒmen yībiān chī yībiān liáotiānr.

We chatted while we ate.

In this sentence, the subject, “we” (我们; wǒ men), clarifies who is doing the actions represented by the verbs that follow. The subject is followed by two verb phrases, “ate” (吃; chī) and “chatted” (聊天儿; liáotiānr), positioned within the grammatical construction 一边......一边. This conveys that the speaker and his/her companions were eating and chatting at the same time.

Note that the order of the two actions may differ between the English and Chinese translations although the meaning remains the same. This is because in English, the second verb listed after “while” in a statement usually provides context for the first verb, whereas this is not necessarily the case in Chinese.

Let’s look at another example:


Yéye xǐhuan yībiān hē hóngchá yībiān kàn bàozhǐ.

Grandpa likes drinking black tea while he reads the newspaper.

In this sentence, the speaker uses the 一边 (yībiān) … 一边 (yībiān) grammar pattern to emphasize that the subject, Grandpa, likes drinking black tea at the same time as he reads the newspaper.

Sometimes in spoken Chinese, speakers shorten 一边 (yìbiān)… 一边 (yìbiān)… to just 边 (biān)… 边 (biān)… to give the expression a more conversational tone. For example:


Xuéshēngmen bù néng biān shàngkè biān wán shǒujī.

Students are not allowed to play on their phones while in class.


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我第一次见到我邻居小夏是在一个很热的夏天,那时候虽然楼道有很多人,但是我还是注意到了他, 因为他又高又瘦。

那天是周末,朋友们要来我家吃饭,所以我也请他一起到我家吃饭。那时小夏刚搬到这里,他很高兴我请他吃饭。他说这是他第一次在中国朋友家吃饭。我们一边吃一边聊天儿。他告诉我,他是美国人。他在大学就开始学习中文了,但是他觉得他的中文还不够好, 所以就来中国留学了。

他很喜欢住在这儿。 他觉得这儿很安静,附近有很多树, 经常能听到鸟叫的声音。住在这儿除了方便以外,还可以认识很多中国朋友,对提高中文有很大的帮助。他也说了他的爱好,他喜欢爬山,所以他选择了来桂林。




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