Chinese Taiji

Join Dayong, a CLI team member since 2009, as he learns about Master Huang's journey into tàijíquán. While watching the video, follow along in the below transcript for the Chinese characters, pinyin, and English translation. You can also use this link to download a PDF containing the interview transcript and vocabulary list.

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Taijiquan Interview Transcript

Dayong (00:05 - 00:11)


Qǐng wèn... Nǐ kě bù kěyǐ jiǎndān de zì wǒ jièshào yíxià?

Can you please briefly introduce yourself?

黄师傅 (00:12 - 00:24)


Dàjiā hǎo! Wǒ jiào huángjiàn, guìlín rén, shì chén shì tàijíquán dì shísān dài chuánrén, xiànzài nē sānshíqī suì. Xièxiè!

Hello everyone! My name is Huang Jian, I’m from Guilin, a learner of the thirteenth generation Chen-style Tai Chi, and am thirty-seven now. Thank you!

Dayong (00:26 - 00:35)


Huáng lǎoshī huáng shīfu,ài ,nà nín shénme shíhòu kāishǐ xuéxíle zhège tàijíquán?

Master Huang, when did you begin learning Taiji?

黄师傅 (00:36 - 01:01)


GāngKāishǐ jiēchù tàijíquán nà yīnggāi shì jiǔ wǔ nián, nàgè shíhòu zhōngyāng diànshìtái fàng le nàgè jiǎnhuà de chén shì tàijíquán nàgè jiàoxué shìpíng, wǒ dàgài kàn le yíxià jiù duì tā chǎnshēng le yì zhǒng xìngqù, ránhòu zhídào liǎng qiān nián de shíhòu wǒ cái zhèngshì zhǎole yígè lǎoshī xuéxí nàgè chén shì tàijíquán.

I began learning Taiji around 1995, at that time CCTV broadcasted a simplified Chen-style taijiquan instructional video. I was instantly taken from the moment I saw that video. From then until 2000 I was officially looking for a Chen-style Tai Chi teacher.

Dayong (01:03 - 01:21)


Nà zhège zhōngguó yǒu zhōngguó de gōngfū, yǒu shénme shàolín de gōngfū, shénme Chángquán a, shénme biéde wǔshù, yǒng chūn , nín zhège dāngshí xuǎnzé de shíhòu yǒu méiyǒu xiǎngguò wèishénme xuǎn gōngfū huòzhě yǒngchūn a?

China has it’s own Kung Fu culture, for example Shaolin Kung Fu, ChangQuan, and others like Wing Chun. Have you ever wondered why you didn’t choose Wing Chun, Kung Fu, or another form of martial arts?

黄师傅 (01:22 - 02:22)


Zhège wèntí hěnduō rén yě wènguò wǒ, zuòwéi wǒ dē xìnggé lái shuō wǒ tèbié xǐhuān tàijí, wèishénme xǐhuān tàijí ne? Yīn wèi zhōngguó wénhuà yě kěyǐ shuō bāohán zài tàijí lǐmiàn, tàijí yīnyáng, zhédié, màimàixiāng jiē, gāng róu, zhè yíqiè de yíqiè de bāohán zhōngguó gǔlǎo de nàgè zhéxué de, dāngrán duìyú gèrén lái shuō wǒ bǐjiào xǐhuān tàijíquán nàgè huǎnmàn róuměi érqiě fùyǒu nàgè yìshù wǔdǎo xìng de nàzhǒng dòngzuò, gāng kāishǐ xiǎngfǎ hěn jiǎndān, ránhòu jiù mí shàng. Yě kěnéng shì yīnwèi dāngshí yěshì diànshìtái rè bō de tàijí zōngshī, gěi wǒ yī zhǒng hěn shēn de gǎnchù, suǒyǐ shuō jiù nàme yíshùnjiān nǐ zhīdào de, jiù xiàng kànjiàn yígè xīn de nǚháizi yíyàng, cóngcǐ yì fā bùkě shōushí.

I’ve been asked this question many times in the past. Personally, I believe my personality best pairs with Taiji. I enjoy it because the art of Taiji holds a great amount of Chinese culture. The components of Taiji Yin and Yang, folding, tenderness phase, rigidness, all this together with an ancient Chinese philosophy. Of course, for me personally, I prefer the slow, gentle, and full art of dance actions in Taiji. In the beginning, I was only a little interested in the art, but after a while I was hooked. It may have been because the Taiji Master series playing on TV moved me. At that moment, it was just like falling in love with a new woman, and I can’t stop practicing Taiji for a second.

Dayong (02:24 - 02:31)


Nà nín shìfǒu jìdé jiùshì shuō zìjǐ de dì yī wèi shīfù zěnme rènshí de ne?

Do you remember how you met your first Taiji teacher?

黄师傅 (02:32 - 03:32)


Ó, nà shì zhèyàng de, yīnwèi dāngshí kànle nàgè shìpíng, ránhòu qù túshūguǎn、 xīnhuá shūdiàn fān yíxià nà xiāngguān de shūjí, dànshì ne, yígè rén kǔyú méiyǒu lǎoshī zhǐdiǎn, yěshì shìbèigōngbàn, zài yǒu yì tiān zài wǒ shàngbān de shíhòu, wǒ kànjiàn yígè yǒu xiūxī de nàgè xiǎo tíngzi lǐmiàn yǒu yígè lǎorénjiā zài dǎ tàijíquán, dāngshí wǒ yě zhīdào nàgè tàijíquán kěnéng búshì wǒ suǒ xǐhuān de nà yì zhǒng, ránhòu wǒ jiù qù wèn, wǒ jiù gēn tā jiāoliú le yíxià, bǐhuà le jǐ gè dòngzuò, ránhòu nà lǎorén shuō nà shì chén shì tàijíquán, zài xīshān gōngyuán, guìlín de xīshān gōngyuán yǒu yígè lǎoshī, xìng liú, liú lǎoshī zài lǐbiān jiāo chén shì tàijíquán, wǒ kěyǐ qù nà biān kàn yíxià, ránhòu dìèr tiān wǒ jiù zhíjiē zhǎo guòqù le, jiù zhèyàng zhújiàn mànman de cóng líng de jīchǔ jiēchù dào yígè lǎoshī, màn màn de dào xiànzài.

Oh, it was like this… Because of the CCTV broadcast, I began going to the library and Xinhua bookstore to take a brief look at related books. But it was much less effective for me to learn without the guidance of a teacher. So, one day on the way to work I saw an elderly person practicing Taiji in a small pavilion. I knew that it may have not been the style I was interested in, but I went over to talk with him, show him a few moves. The old man told me that my moves are from Chen-style Taiji. The old man told me there is a teacher named Liu in Guilin Xishan Park who teaches Chen-style Tai Chi, I could go learn from him. The next day I went directly to Guilin Xishan park to see this man. From then on, with the help of this new teacher, I slowly and gradually went from zero to where I am now.

Dayong (03:33 - 03:38)


Ó... Nà cóng nà gè shíhòu dào xiànzài yǒu duōshǎo nián le liàn tàijíquán?

Oh, how many years has it been since you began to learn Taiji?

黄师傅 (03:39 - 03:43)


Liǎng qiān nián dào xiànzài chàbùduō yǒu shíliù gè nián tóu le.

It’s been almost sixteen years, from 2000 until now.

Dayong (03:45 - 04:01)


Nà nín shuō zhègè dì yī wèi shīfù shì zhèyàng zhīdào zài xīshān gōngyuán zhèyàng rènshi, tā duì nín de zhège shēnghuó huòzhě shuō zhège yīxiē xuǎnzé yìxiē tàidù shàng yǒu méiyǒu shénme yǐngxiǎng?

So, you met your first teacher in Xishan park. Has he had any influence on your life or your attitude?

黄师傅 (04:03 - 06:40)


Nǐ zhè wèntí wèn dé tǐng hǎo, zhège dāngshí wǒ hěn niánqīng, yě jiùshì chūchūmáolú chūchūshèhuì, dǎ tàijíáquān bāokuò lǎoshī yǒule rénshēng de guǐjì hé wǒ de nàgè rénshēng de chǔshì zhéxué, háiyǒu wéirénchǔshì hé rén dǎjiāodào de nàgè fāngmiàn dédào hěn dà de tíshēng. Yǐqián xìngzi bǐjiào jí, niánqīng rén ma, dōu shì huǒqì bǐjiào dà, ránhòu zuò shìqíng jiù máomaozàozào, ránhòu cóng xuéle tàijíquán yǐhòu xìnggé biànle, fánshì kàn mǒu xiē shìqíng de shíhòu sānsīérhòuxíng, kǎolǜ qīngchǔle yǐhòu zài qù zuò, yídìng yào chénwěn, gěi rénjiā gǎnjué dào yì zhǒng hěn róuhé, hěn hǎo jiēchù de nà zhǒng gǎnjué, zhè shì tàijíquán duì wǒ rénshēng de yì zhǒng zuì zhíjiē de yǐngxiǎng, ránhòu ne tàijíquán ne duì wǒ shēntǐ gè fāngmiàn yǐngxiǎng ne, wǒ jìdé wǒniánqīng de shíhòu kěnéng yě shì bù zhùyì yǐnshí huòzhě shì shēnghuó xíguàn, yěyǒu yìdiǎndiǎn nàxiē bù shì hěn dà de máobìng, jiù shì bǐ rú shuō... Bùpà nǐ jiànxiào kěnéng yǒudiǎn biànmì, érqiě wǒ bù zěnme chū hàn, yīnwèi wǒ fùqīn yídào xiàtiān de shíhòu tā lǎo gēn wǒ shuō wǒ de tǐwēn bǐjiào gāo, dànshì yě bùshì fāshāo, dànshì yě bù chū hàn, jiù jiàng bùliǎo tǐwēn, nà zìcóng dǎ tàijíquán yǐhòu, cóng zhā mǎbù bǐrú shuō wǒmen zhàn de hùn yuán zhuāng, guānjiàn wǒ shì zài nàgè dà rètiān, sānshíwǔliù dù, píngshí wǒ dóu bù zěnme chū hàn de, yī zhā xiàqù quánshēn de hàn mào chūláile, jiù xiàng nàgè qì, nàgè hàn qì a nàgè shuǐ zhēngqì a, quánbù zhēngfā chū lái, bǎ wǒ de hànxiàn dǎtōngle, wǒ ne túrán yǒu yìtiān wǒ fāxiàn bāokuò wǒ zhège shàngxià lóutī, pǎobù, dēngshān, bǐ píngshí dōu yǒu hěn dà de tígāo, jiù wúyìshi dāngzhōng de bǎ zìjǐ de shēntǐ tiáojié hǎole, yě jiùshì zhè fāngmiàn duì shēntǐ tèbié yǒu hǎochù, hòulái wǒ kànlexià nàgè shūjí, chá yuè le xiāngguān de nà gè tàijíquán gēn yīxué de xiāngguān de guānxì de nàgè shūjí de shíhòu, wǒ fāxiàn tā tàijíquán duì nàgè chángwèi gōngnéng ne yǒu tèbié hǎo de hǎochù, ránhòu wǒ xiǎng kěnéng yě jiùshì chángwèi gōngnéng bù hǎo dǎozhì de yuányīn.Ránhòu dédào yīdiǎn hǎochùle jìn ér jiù gèng jīfā zìjǐ duì tàijíquán de xìngqù, mànman de yībù yībù jiù zǒu dào jīntiān.

This is a great question. I was very young at the time and just entering the real world. The Taiji philosophy has definitely affected the path of my life, as well as improved the way I interact with others in my professional and personal life. Before practicing Taiji, I was short-tempered and careless. But since then, my character has changed. Now, I always think twice before doing something, I am calm, I give people a very gentle feeling, one that is easy to connect with. Taiji has had a direct impact on my life. Regarding the effects to my body, I remember when I was young I didn’t focus on any of my life’s habits. At the time, I actually had a few small problems, but am a little afraid you may laugh at it ... constipation. I remember my father telling me my temperature was always relatively high during the summer months. But, when I began practicing Taiji, I began sweating a lot during the summer and my stamina improved. I started to feel the improvement when I was climbing up stairs, running and hiking. I am in good condition now. After doing some research regarding Taiji, by reading related books, I found out that practicing Taiji is good for the Gastrointestinal system. The health benefits boosted my interests in Taiji, and gradually I got to where I am today.

Dayong (06:42 - 06:46)


Zhège zhēn de shì gǎnjué xiàng zài tīng gùshì yíyàng, bù zhīdào néng bùnéng qīnyǎn jiàn dào nǐ…

Listening to you is really like listening to a story, I really can picture it with my own eyes.

黄师傅 (06:46 - 06:54)


Zhège běnrén qīnshēn jīnglì, méiyǒu léitóng, yě bùshì chún shǔ xūgòu.

This is my personal experience, there is nothing similar, nor is it fictional.

Dayong (06:54 - 07:17)


Nà xiànzài kāishǐ zuò lǎoshī zuò shīfù jiāo xuéshēng, ránhòu nín jīntiān shàngwǔ yǒu tí dào zài nín yǐqián de shíhòu zhěnggè rén xīnwúpángwù a, yīxīnyīyì, nà hěnduō rén zài zhège wǎngshàng kěnéng​​huì kàn dào hěnduō dòngzuò, dànshì zhēnzhèng dǎ tàijíquán de shíhòu nín zài xiǎng shénme ne?

You are a teacher now. This morning you had mentioned how concentrated you were. After this video is published many people will see you practicing Taiji on the internet. What are you thinking of when you practice?

黄师傅 (07:17 - 08:57)



Dǎ tàijí quán ne, hěn jìng, hé wéi jìng ne? Jiùshì shuō nǐ gāngcái tí dào de xīnwúpángwù, dànshì wǒmen yào zuò dào juéduì de jìng, nǎodai yīdiǎn dōngxi dōu bùxiǎng, zhè zhǒng gǎnjué hěn nán qù zuò dédào, jiùshì wánquán rùjìng de, dànshì wǒmen kěyǐ zhǐ xiǎng yī jiàn shì cóng qǐ shì de shíhòu jiù bùyào xiǎng qítā de záshìle, nǐ jiù xiǎngzhe zěnme wánchéng zhè tào quán, zài dòngzuò zhème fánzá yòu zhème jiānkǔ de guòchéng dāngzhōng néng bǎochí nǐ de nǎodai de qīngxǐng, nǎozi lǐ de qīngxǐng, ránhòu zài yīxīnyīyì de xiǎngzhe dǎ hǎo yī tào quán bié chū yìdiǎn chācuò,yīn wèi zhè tào tàijíquán,shuō wǒmen zhè tào tàijí quán de bāshísān shì, shíjì shàng rúguǒ nǐ zhēn de qūfēn xiàqù yǒu liùqībǎi gè dòngzuò, nàme zài zhème duō de dòngzuò de qíngkuàng xià,nǐ haí néng zaì zhème dà de yùndòng liàng zhème dà de qíngkuàng, bǎozhèng nǐ bù chū yīdiǎn chācuò, nà xūyào nǐ juéduì de “shǒu xīn”. Hé wèi “shǒu xīn” ne, jiùshì sīxiǎng bùyào kāixiǎochāi nǐ yě xiǎngdào zhège dòngzuò, bǎ tā dǎ xiàqù. Ránhòu zhèyàng de shíhòu, zài zhè yī dà qīngzǎo, kōngqì tèbié hǎo de shíhòu, ān ān jìng jìng de dǎshàng yībiàn liǎng biàn shènzhì sān biàn de shíhòu, duì nǐ de nǎodai, nǎozi lǐmiàn hǎoxiàng yī zhǒng qīngxǐ de zuò yòng, huì ràng nǐ zhěnggè yītiān jīngshén huànfā, ránhòu bǎozhèng nǐ gōngzuò shēnghuó dōu yǒutiáobùwěn jījí, hěn qīngchǔ.

When you are practicing Taiji, you are also practicing inner peace. You just mentioned being concentrated. What we are really searching for is absolute silence, to have not one thought on our minds. This kind of feeling, absolute silence, is very difficult to obtain. But, we can start by thinking of just one thing, Taiji, and block out everything else. You just need to think about perfectly executing the entire Taiji routine. By keeping your thoughts on this complicated and arduous process, you can find clarity. Wholeheartedly thinking about the next move and consciously preventing mistakes, you can find clarity. Chen-style Taiji is comprised of 83 movements, in fact you really need to distinguish between around six to seven hundreds of unique movements. So, within all these movements and situations, you really need to remain focused in order to prevent from making mistakes. Staying focused is having your mindset fully on the movements, not allowing small mistakes to slip in.

In the early morning, when the air is especially clear, you can peacefully practice the Taiji movements once, twice, or even three times. This practice helps to clear your mind, gives you spirit throughout the day, and brings calm and clarity to your work.

Dayong (08:58 - 09:00)


Zhème duō?

That much?

黄师傅 (09:01 - 09:05)


Bù duō, zhè zhǐshì qízhōng de yìdiǎn hǎochù.

Not much, this is just one small part of the benefits.

Dayong (09:07 - 09:27)


Nà xiànzài měitiān dōu hái zài jìxù liànxí zhège tàijíquán, nín shuō zhège rúguǒ tiānqì xià yǔ dehuà, nín yě jiùshì yǎng chéngle zhè zhǒng yùndòng de xíguàn, hái zài jìxù. Tāmen shuō zhège lǎorén zài liànxí de shíhòu nín huì gěi chū shénme yìjiàn ne?

You currently practice Taiji everyday, even when the weather is bad and it’s raining, you keep the momentum up. What kind of advice would you give to elders who want to practice Taiji?

黄师傅 (09:27 - 11:04)


Liànxí de, lǎorénjiā liàn tàijí quán, yīnwèi lǎorénjiā de gǔ zhì ne bǐjiào shūsōng, shēntǐ de sùzhì dāngrán yě bǐ bù shàng wǒmen niánqīng rén, érqiě ne, tàijí quán shì chuántǒng de tàolù. Chuántǒng tàolù yǒu shén me hǎochù ne? Tā bù huì júxiàn yú tiáotiáokuāngkuāng, nǐ kěyǐ gēnjù zìjǐ de shíjì qíngkuàng, wǒmen kěyǐ fēn wéi zhōng, gāo, dī zhèyàng de. Bǐrú shuō wǒmen xiàng niánqīng rén, wǒmen wèile duànliàn shēntǐ, zìjǐ de qiángdù, wǒmen kěyǐ zuò dī xiàqù, nà fùhé lì bǐjiào dà. Lǎorénjiā ne, yīnggāi bǎohù hǎo xīgài,zhàn gāo yìdiǎn dǎ, ránhòu bǎozhèng nà yī tàijí quán dǎ xiàqù xīn bù tiào hūxī bù jícù, dànshì hànliújiābèi, dádàole jiànshēn de xiàoguǒ jiù kěyǐle.Duìyú lǎorénjiā de liàn tàijí quán de zuì zhòngyào de yīgè wēnxīn de tíshì ne,Jiùshì xīgài bùyào guò jiǎojiān, yīdìng yào bǎohù hǎo xīgài, zhè shì zuì zhòngyào de. Ránhòu ne, tàijí quán, tàolù zhǐshì qízhōng de yībùfèn. Wǒmen hái kěyǐ haí yǒu hěnduō nà zhǒng zhuānggōng, dāntián nèi zhuàn gōng, qīqībā​​bā de, hěnduō hěnduō nàxiē gōng fǎ. Jiùshì wǒmen xià yǔtiān, zhàn zài yángtái shàngmiàn de shíhòu wǒmen jiù kěyǐ bào gè hùn yuán zhuāng,“shǒu jìn”,“shí'èr diǎn shàngwèi”,“yìshǒu dāntián” lái chénliàn tā, zhèyàng yěshì duànliàn tā. Érqiě zài zhè zhǒng zhuāng gōng rùjìng de shíhòu, tā yòu shì yī zhǒng hěn qítè de gǎnshòu, fāngfǎ hěnduō de.

For elderly people who practice Taiji, most of them have different levels of Osteoporosis, their physical health is certainly poorer than the younger people who practice. But, Taiji is a traditional exercise. What are the benefits of being traditional? It won’t leave from convention. When practicing, you can act according to your personal situation. We can have people practicing in novice, intermediate, and advance levels. For example, if you are younger you may be practicing Taiji as a means of exercise, or to build strength. In this style you can squat lower, with more power. However, if you are an older person, you need to protect your knees and stand taller. You need to not get too excited and control your breathing. In this form you will still sweat and get the results you want. However, the most important thing for elderly people to be reminded of when practicing Taiji is that they should squat in proper form in order to protect their knees. They should always keep their knees from going out past their toes.

In Taiji, the form is only one part of the martial art. There are also many static movements, single static movements, that are not usually preferable. But, when the weather is poor we can stand on the sundeck and practice static movements like “Shou Jing”, “Standing like a Post (Hun Yuan Zhuang)”, clear our minds. When you are performing these movements, it can also be an extraordinary experience. There are many ways to practice Taiji.

Dayong (11:04 - 11:12)


Hǎo de hǎo de. Jīběn shàng ne, wǒ jiù dōu dàgài míngbai nín de yìsile. Hǎo, xièxiè nín a!

That’s great. I know what you mean. Thank you.

黄师傅 (11:12 - 11:18)


Bùyòng xiè, hěn gāoxìng wèi nǐ mén jiě dá le jīběn de dōngxī.

You’re welcome. I’m very glad to speak with you about Taiji.

Dayong (11:18 - 11:19)


Xièxièxiè xiè a!

Big thanks!

Vocabulary List

HànzìPīnyīnDefinitionPart of Speech
陈氏太极拳Chénshì tàijíquánChen Style Tai Chin.
接触jiēchùcome into contact with; get in touch withv.
中央电视台Zhōngyāng DiànshìtáiCCTVn.
产生chǎnshēngto give rise to; bring about;v.
少林的功夫Shàolín gōngfūShaolin Martial Artn.
长拳zhǎngquánLongfist Martial Artn.
咏春yǒngchūnWing Chun Martial Artn.
缓慢柔美huǎnmàn róuměislow, soft and gracefuladj.
一瞬间yíshùnjiāna split secondn.
一发不可收拾yīfàbùkěshōushíthings that have happened can hardly be controlledexpression
事半功倍shìbàngōngbèiget twice the result with half the effortidiom
初出茅庐chūchūmáolúto venture out into society for first timeidiom
人生的轨迹rénshēng de guǐjīlife’s pathn.
处世哲学chǔshì zhéxuéone’s life philosophyn.
为人处世wéirén-chǔshìone’s attitude towards lifeexpression
打交道dǎjiāodàocome into contact with; have dealings withv.
毛毛躁躁máomao zàozàoimprudently; obtrusivelyadv.
三思而后行sānsī ér hòu xíngthink thrice before you act; look before you leapexpression
不怕你见笑bùpà nǐ jiànxiàonot afraid of making a fool of oneselfexpression

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