
How I Made Friends with a Chinese Taxi Driver

red taxis on street in hong kong
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“你要去哪儿?” 这是出租车司机说的第一句话。我不知道怎么回答。因为这是我第一次坐中国的出租车,所以我很害怕。

“呃...我想去中国银行。” 我说。

“嗯,你带钱了吗?我不会免费送你去哦。” 司机说。


 “开玩笑,哥们儿。” 他笑着说,“好,我们走吧!”  


“我是从北京来的,我是北方人。你呢?” 他问,“你看起来不像是这儿的人。” 他对我笑了笑。







“我很爱我的车!每天早上我都会好好儿检查一下车子,看看它是不是“健康” 的。每天晚上回到家也会认真地把车子打扫干净。我知道这样做会让我的客人感到安全、开心。” 





“你要去哪兒?” 這是出租車司機說的第一句話。我不知道怎麼回答。因為這是我第一次坐中國的出租車,所以我很害怕。

“呃...我想去中國銀行。” 我說。

“嗯,你帶錢了嗎?我不會免費送你去哦。” 司機說。


 “開玩笑,哥們儿。” 他笑著說,“好,我們走吧!”  


“我是從北京來的,我是北方人。你呢?” 他問,“你看起來不像是這兒的人。” 他對我笑了笑。







“我很愛我的車!每天早上我都會好好兒檢查一下車子,看看它是不是“健康” 的。每天晚上回到家也會認真地把車子打掃乾淨。我知道這樣做會讓我的客人感到安全、開心。” 




“你要去哪儿?” 这是出租车司机说的第一句话。我不知道怎么回答。因为这是我第一次坐中国的出租车,所以我很害怕。
“Nǐ yào qù nǎr?” Zhè shì chūzūchē sījī shuō de dì-yī jù huà. Wǒ bù zhīdao zěnme huídá. Yīnwèi zhè shì wǒ dì-yī cì zuò Zhōngguó de chūzūchē, suǒyǐ wǒ hěn hàipà.
“呃...我想去中国银行。” 我说。
“È... Wǒ xiǎng qù Zhōngguó Yínháng.” Wǒ shuō.
“嗯,你带钱了吗?我不会免费送你去哦。” 司机说。
“En, nǐ dài qián le ma? Wǒ bù huì miǎnfèi sòng nǐ qù o.” Sījī shuō.
Wǒ bù zhīdao yào shuō shénme, suǒyǐ wǒ jiù huídá: “Wǒ dài qián le!”
 “开玩笑,哥们儿。” 他笑着说,“好,我们走吧!”  
“Kāiwánxiào, gēmenr.” Tā xiàozhe shuō, “Hǎo, wǒmen zǒu ba!”
Guòle yīhuǐr, wǒ wèn tā: “Nǐ shì nǎli rén?”
“我是从北京来的,我是北方人。你呢?” 他问,“你看起来不像是这儿的人。” 他对我笑了笑。
“Wǒ shì cóng Běijīng lái de, wǒ shì běifāngrén. Nǐ ne?” Tā wèn, “Nǐ kàn qǐlai bù xiàng shì zhèr de rén.” Tā duì wǒ xiào le xiào.
“Ó, wǒ shì Jiānádàrén, wǒ xiǎng wǒ yě shì běifāngrén.”
“Hāha, hǎo, hěn gāoxìng rènshi lìng yī gè běifāngrén. Nǐ jiào wǒ Lǎo Wáng ba.” 
Lǎo Wáng yībiān kāichē, yībiān gēn wǒ liáo tā de shìr. Tā gàosu wǒ tā yǐqián zài Běijīng yě shì chūzūchē sījī, tā hái gàosu wǒ, chàbùduō shí nián yǐqián tā shì zěnme kāi tā de chūzūchē yīlù wǎng nán dào Nánjīng de.
“Běijīng hěnduō dōngxi dōu gēn zhèr bùyīyàng, bǐrú tiānqì. Dōngtiān de shíhou, zài nàlǐ qí zìxíngchē, sànbù hěn nán! Wǒ gèng xǐhuan zhèr de tiānqì.” 
Lǎo wáng shuō xiànzài hěnduō kèren zài wǎngshàng jiào chūzūchē, dàjiā dōu fāngbiàn duō le.
Tā shuō Zhōngguó fāzhǎn de hěn kuài, xiànzài lùshang de chē yě bǐ yǐqián duō le. 
“Zài chéngshì lǐ kāichē nǐ děi xiǎoxīn yīdiǎnr, cōngming yīdiǎnr, yàoburán kěnéng huì chū wèntí.”
“我很爱我的车!每天早上我都会好好儿检查一下车子,看看它是不是“健康” 的。每天晚上回到家也会认真地把车子打扫干净。我知道这样做会让我的客人感到安全、开心。” 
“Wǒ hěn ài wǒ de chē! Měitiān zǎoshang wǒ dōu huì hǎohāor jiǎnchá yīxià chēzi, kànkan tā shìbùshì “jiànkāng” de. Měitiān wǎnshang huí dào jiā yě huì rènzhēn de bǎ chēzi dǎsǎo gānjìng. Wǒ zhīdao zhèyàng zuò huì ràng wǒ de kèren gǎndào ānquán, kāixīn.”
Wǒmen zài chē shàng yòu liáole jǐ fēnzhōng zhīhòu, tā shuō: “Wǒmen dào le, yòubian jiùshì Zhōngguó Yínháng!”
Wǒ huídá: “Xièxie nǐ sòng wǒ, Lǎo Wáng!”
Lǎo Wáng gēn wǒ jiāohuànle diànhuà hé Wēixìn liánxì fāngshì.
Zài qù yínháng de lùshang, shíjiān hěn duǎn, dàn wǒ liànxíle hěnduō Zhōngwén, gèng zhòngyào de shì wǒ jiāole yī gè xīn de péngyou.
“你要去哪儿?” 这是出租车司机说的第一句话。我不知道怎么回答。因为这是我第一次坐中国的出租车,所以我很害怕。
“Where are you going?” These were the first words the taxi driver said. I wasn’t sure what to say. This was my first experience in a Chinese taxi and I was scared.
“呃...我想去中国银行。” 我说。
“Uhhh, I want to go to the Bank of China…” I said.
“嗯,你带钱了吗?我不会免费送你去哦。” 司机说。
“Well, I hope you have money! I’m not going to drive you there for free.”
I didn’t know what to say. “I’ve got money!”
 “开玩笑,哥们儿。” 他笑着说,“好,我们走吧!”
“Just kidding, buddy,” he laughed, “come on, let’s go!”
After a while, I asked him, “So, where are you from originally?”
“我是从北京来的,我是北方人。你呢?” 他问,“你看起来不像是这儿的人。” 他对我笑了笑。
“Originally, Beijing. I’m a northerner. How about you?” He asked. “You don’t look like you're from around here,” he added with a smile.
“Oh, I’m from Canada. I guess I’m also from the north.”
“Haha, well, nice to meet another northerner. Call me Wang.”
The fifth step is to “propose a toast.” After the dinner ceremony, the newly-wedded couple visits each table at the banquet to make a toast and drink with their guests.
“In Beijing, things are a lot different. Take the weather for example, in the winter, that place gets so cold that it’s hard to even ride a bike or go for a walk! I prefer the climate down here.”
Wang said that these days, a lot of his clients order their taxis on the Internet using their phones. It’s more convenient that way.
He said that thanks to China’s rapid pace of development, there are now many more cars on the roads than before.
“Driving in the city you’ve got to be careful. You have to be smart or else something bad might happen.”
“我很爱我的车!每天早上我都会好好儿检查一下车子,看看它是不是“健康” 的。每天晚上回到家也会认真地把车子打扫干净。我知道这样做会让我的客人感到安全、开心。” 
“I care a lot about my car! I check it every morning to make sure everything’s in order. And every night when I get home, I make sure to thoroughly clean it so that it’s spotless. That way I know that my customers will be safe and happy.”
After driving and talking for another couple of minutes, he said “Here we are, on the right is the Bank of China!”
I replied, “Thank you for the drive, Wang!”
We exchanged phone numbers and WeChat contact information.
On this quick journey to the bank, I had gotten in a lot of Chinese practice and—more importantly—had made a new friend!
Hailing a rideshare black car on the road. Asian woman with hand up calling a taxi cab on Shanghai street, China using phone app technology for passenger to request a ride online.


How I Made Friends with a Chinese Taxi Driver

“你要去哪儿?” 这是出租车司机说的第一句话。我不知道怎么回答。因为这是我第一次坐中国的出租车,所以我很害怕。

“呃...我想去中国银行。” 我说。

“嗯,你带钱了吗?我不会免费送你去哦。” 司机说。


“开玩笑,哥们儿。” 他笑着说,“好,我们走吧!”


“我是从北京来的,我是北方人。你呢?” 他问,“你看起来不像是这儿的人。” 他对我笑了笑。








“我很爱我的车!每天早上我都会好好儿检查一下车子,看看它是不是“健康” 的。每天晚上回到家也会认真地把车子打扫干净。我知道这样做会让我的客人感到安全、开心。”





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🔈  Click on a word’s Chinese characters to hear the pronunciation.

专有名词  Proper Nouns


名词 Nouns

北方běifāngthe northern region of a country; in China, north of the Yellow River

动词 Verbs

上网shàngwǎngto go online
检查jiǎncháto examine; inspection
关心guānxīnto care about
rènzhēnto take seriously; earnest
打扫dǎsǎoto clean
小心xiǎoxinto be careful; to take care
回答huídáto reply; answer

形容词 Adjectives

干净gānjìngclean; neat
聪明cōngmingclever; intelligent
健康jiànkānghealth; healthy


Vocabulary List Audio (or click any Chinese word for audio)


1. 一样 (yīyàng)
adj. same, equal to, just like

一样 (yīyàng) is an adjective commonly used in Chinese to make basic comparisons by expressing that two things are the same. When directly comparing two nouns, 一样 (yīyàng) commonly appears in the following sentence structure:

Noun Phrase 1 + 跟 (gēn) / 和 (hé) + Noun Phrase 2 + 一样 (yīyàng)

In this structure, the conjunctions 跟 (gēn; and, with) or 和 (hé; and), are placed between the two nouns being compared. Then, 一样 (yīyàng) concludes the sentence by declaring that these two things are the same. Let’s look at an example:


Nǐ de àihào gēn wǒ de àihào yīyàng.

Your hobbies and my hobbies are the same.

Here, the two noun phrases being compared are “your hobbies” (你的爱好 nǐ de àihào) and “my hobbies” (我的爱好 wǒ de àihào). 一样 (yīyàng) is used to declare that these two things are the same. Note that in this context, 跟 (gēn) and 和 (hé) are interchangeable; in other words, either 跟 (gēn) or 和 (hé) can be used in the above sentence without changing the meaning.

In addition to directly comparing two nouns by stating that they are the same, 一样 (yīyàng) can also be used to compare a particular quality shared by two nouns. This can be done by simply tacking on an adjective to the end of the sentence as follows:

Noun 1 + 跟 (gēn) / 和 (hé) + Noun 2 + 一样 (yīyàng) + Adjective

Let’s look at an example:


Wǒ mèimei juéde xiǎo gǒu hé xiǎo māo yīyàng kě'ài.

My little sister thinks that puppies and kittens are equally adorable.

In this sentence, the two nouns being compared are puppies (小狗 xiǎo gǒu) and kittens (小猫 xiǎo māo). Understandably, the speaker’s little sister thinks that both animals are adorable. Because 一样 (yīyàng) is followed by an adjective, in this case adorable/cute (可爱 kě'ài), we know that the speaker is not claiming that her sister thinks these two animals are are the same. Instead, she’s saying that she finds them equally cute.

While 一样 (yīyàng) indicates sameness and equality when used on its own, its meaning becomes “not the same” or “not equal to” if paired with the negative prefix 不 (bù). Let’s look at an example:


Běijīng hěnduō dōngxi dōu gēn zhèr bù yīyàng.

In Beijing, things are a lot different than here.

Here, the addition of 不 (bù) before 一样 (yīyàng) changes the sentence’s meaning to negate the similarity of the nouns being compared. This grammar pattern indicates that things in Beijing are not like things here, and in fact they are quite different.

2. 地 (de)
structural particle. links a modifier to a verb or adjective 

地 (de) is a structural particle that connects adverbial modifiers to verbs or adjectives in Chinese. Remember, a structural particle demonstrates a grammatical relationship between several words in a sentence.

In Chinese, 地 (de) is one of three common structural particles, 的 (de), 得 (de) and 地 (de), all of which are pronounced as “de” using the neutral fifth tone.

地 (de) is most commonly used to turn adjectives into adverbs, functioning similarly to the adverbial suffix “-ly” in English. When used in this way, it is placed after adjectives and before verbs to modify the verbs:

Adjective Phrase + 地 (de) + Verb Phrase

Let’s look at an example:


Tā hěn cōngming de jiějué le zhège wèntí.

She cleverly solved this problem.

In this example, 地 (de) is used to link the adjective 聪明 (cōngming; clever) to the verb 解决 jiějué; to solve), therefore transforming the adjective into an adverb that modifies the verb. Because 地 (de) is used, we know that not only did the subject solve this problem, but that she did so in a clever way.

Let’s look at another example:


Měitiān wǎnshang huí dào jiā yě huì rènzhēn de bǎ chēzi dǎsǎo gānjìng.

Every night when I get home I make sure to thoroughly clean my car so that it’s spotless.

In this sentence, 地 (de) is placed after the adjective 认真 (rènzhēn; thorough) and before the verb phrase, 把车子打扫干净 (bǎ chēzi dǎsǎo gānjìng; clean my car so that it’s spotless), to convey that the car is cleaned thoroughly every night.

Keep in mind that when pronounced using the falling fourth tone, the character 地 (dì) is a noun meaning Earth. In this form, it frequently appears as a component of other nouns, such as 地方 (dìfāng) or 地图 (dìtú).

As you continue studying Chinese, you will notice this versatile particle appearing in a variety of other advanced usages. Mastering 地 (de) and the other common structural particles, 的 (de) and 得 (de), is an essential way to build a strong grammatical foundation in Chinese.

3. 更 (gèng)
adv. more; even more

更 (gèng) is an adverb that expresses “even more” in Chinese. It comes before an adjective or verb to demonstrate that said adjective or verb is “even more so” than something previously stated or acknowledged. In its simplest usage, 更 (gèng) follows the pattern below:

Subject + 更 (gèng) + Verb or Adjective Phrase

The structure above often comes after another clause that provides background context in order to create a comparison. For example:


Xiǎo Míng hěn nǔlì, dànshì Xiǎo Lǐ gèng nǔlì.

Xiao Ming works pretty hard, but Xiao Li works even harder.

In this sentence, the first clause, “Xiao Ming works pretty hard” provides background information in order to create a contrast with the second clause, which says that Xiao Li works even harder. Because “更 (gèng)” is used, we know that although they are both hardworking, Xiao Li is, infact, more of a hard-worker than Xiao Ming.

It is also possible for 更 (gèng) to be used independently in a sentence that doesn’t include a comparative clause. For example:


gèng xǐhuan zhèr de tiānqì.

I like the weather here more.

The sentence above could be a response to a question asking if someone likes the weather here or there more, or part of a larger discussion about the weather where one previously lived.

更 (gèng) also frequently accompanies the common comparison word 比 (bǐ) to emphasize that one of two things is “even more” of the adjective that follows. Here’s an example:


Tā māma bǐ tā gèng rèqíng.

His mom is even more warm-hearted than him.

In the sentence above, 比 (bǐ) is used to compare the two subjects, “him” and “his mom.” If 更 (gèng) were omitted and the sentence simply read, “他妈妈比他更热情” (Tā māma bǐ tā rèqíng), it would mean that his mom his more warm-hearted than he is, which could indicate that he isn’t warm-hearted at all. However, because 更 (gèng) is used, we know that while both the subject and his mom are warm-hearted, the subject’s mom is even more warm-hearted than he is.

Note that 更 (gèng) can also be followed by negative prefixes like 不 (bù) and 没 (méi) to indicate that something is “even less” of the following verb or adjective. For example:


Wǒ zhōuyī dào zhōuwǔ dōu hěn máng, zhōumò gèng méiyǒu shíjiān.

I’m really busy from Monday through Friday, and I have even less time on the weekends.


Begin quiz once you have completed the above reading.


1 / 5

“我” 为什么害怕?

2 / 5

“我” 是哪里人?

3 / 5


4 / 5


5 / 5


Your score is


“你要去哪儿?” 这是出租车司机说的第一句话。我不知道怎么回答。因为这是我第一次坐中国的出租车,所以我很害怕。

“呃...我想去中国银行。” 我说。

“嗯,你带钱了吗?我不会免费送你去哦。” 司机说。


“开玩笑,哥们儿。” 他笑着说,“好,我们走吧!”


“我是从北京来的,我是北方人。你呢?” 他问,“你看起来不像是这儿的人。” 他对我笑了笑。








“我很爱我的车!每天早上我都会好好儿检查一下车子,看看它是不是“健康” 的。每天晚上回到家也会认真地把车子打扫干净。我知道这样做会让我的客人感到安全、开心。”





* 老 (Lǎo, old) is a colloquial prefix that older men in China often place before their surname. Learn more about how to use 老 (Lǎo, old) and other Chinese nicknames with CLI’s guide to Chinese names.
“你要去哪兒?” 這是出租車司機說的第一句話。我不知道怎麼回答。因為這是我第一次坐中國的出租車,所以我很害怕。

“呃...我想去中國銀行。” 我說。

“嗯,你帶錢了嗎?我不會免費送你去哦。” 司機說。


“開玩笑,哥們儿。” 他笑著說,“好,我們走吧!”


“我是從北京來的,我是北方人。你呢?” 他問,“你看起來不像是這兒的人。” 他對我笑了笑。







“我很愛我的車!每天早上我都會好好兒檢查一下車子,看看它是不是“健康” 的。每天晚上回到家也會認真地把車子打掃乾淨。我知道這樣做會讓我的客人感到安全、開心。”





我跟中国出租车司机交朋友的故事: Show Full Text
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