Chinese Vocabulary For Coronavirus

Chinese Vocabulary For Coronavirus

The impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is now being felt around the world. The pandemic has taken over the news cycle, shut down entire countries and economies, tragically killed thousands and left billions quarantined in their homes while practicing social distancing.

If you are stuck at home and want to learn key coronavirus vocabulary words in Chinese, take this opportunity to learn some of the most commonly used Chinese words and phrases regarding the coronavirus.

General Coronavirus Vocabulary

新型冠状病毒xīnxíng guānzhuàngbìngdúCOVID-19
恢复huīfùto recover
封城fēngchéngcity-wide lockdown
疑似病例yísì bìnglìsuspected case
确诊病例quèzhěn bìnglìconfirmed case
治愈率zhìyùlǜcure rate
死亡率sǐwánglǜmortality rate
湖北省Húběi ShěngHubei Province
传染chuánrǎnto infect
世界卫生组织Shìjiè Wèishēng ZǔzhīWorld Health Organization
重症监护室zhòngzhèng jiānhùshìIntensive care unit (ICU)
海鲜市场hǎixiān shìchǎngseafood market
野味(儿)yěwèi ('er)dishes made from wild animals
戴口罩dài kǒuzhàoto wear a mask
吃药chīyàoto take medicine
免洗洗手液miǎnxǐ xǐshǒuyèhand sanitizer
消毒xiāodúto disinfect/to sterilize
洗手xǐshǒuto wash your hands
少出门shǎo chūméngo out less often
护目镜hùmùjìngsafety goggles
防护服fánghùfúprotective clothing

Coronavirus Symptoms in Chinese

鼻塞bísāito have a stuffy nose/to feel congested
生病shēngbìngto get sick/to be ill
喉咙痛hóulóng tòngto have a sore throat
发烧fāshāoto have a fever
呼吸困难hūxī kùnnàndifficulty breathing/heavy breathing
咳嗽késouto cough
⼲咳gānkédry cough

Chinese Phrases Related to Coronavirus

武汉加油!Wǔhàn jiāyóu!Stay strong Wuhan!
中国加油!Zhōngguó jiāyóu!Stay strong China!
祝你身体健康。Zhùnǐ shēntǐ jiànkāng.Wishing you good health.
你最近怎么样?Nǐ zuìjìn zěnmeyàng?How have you been recently?
你的家人最近还好吗?Nǐ de jiārén zuìjìn háihǎo ma?Have your family been okay recently?
你不舒服吗?Nǐ bù shūfu ma?Are you not feeling well?
希望你早点好起来。Xīwàng nǐ zǎodiǎn hǎoqǐlai.I hope you get better soon.
好好休息。Hǎohāo xiūxi.Rest up.


Chinese Vocabulary For Coronavirus

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