The 2023 Chinese Holiday Calendar

The following charts provide the official schedules for Chinese holidays in 2023. Holidays are categorized as Chinese Public Holidays and Other Chinese Holidays and Observances.

Chinese Public Holidays in 2023

January 1stNew Year's Day元旦
January 21st - 27thChinese New Year春节
April 5thQingming Festival清明节
May 1stLabor Day劳动节
June 22ndDragon Boat Festival端午节
September 29thMid-Autumn Festival中秋节
October 1st - 3rdNational Day国庆节

Please note that beyond China's official holiday schedule, CLI's academic calendar may differ from the above. Consult CLI's Admissions Manager or your teachers for our most up-to-date academic calendar.

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Other Chinese Holidays and Observances in 2023

February 5thLantern Festival元宵节
March 8thInternational Women's Day妇女节
March 21stSpring Equinox春分
May 4thYouth Day青年节
June 1stChildren's Day儿童节
June 21stSummer Solstice夏至
July 1stCPC Founding Day建党节
August 1stArmy Day建军节
August 22ndChinese Valentine's Day七夕
September 10thTeachers' Day教师节
September 23rdAutumn Equinox秋分
Noveber 11thSingle's Day双十一
December 22ndWinter Solstice冬至

Remember that many holidays—such as the Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival—are based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar and therefore the dates change every year.

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Based in scenic Guilin, China, CLI is a leading center for Chinese language and cultural studies.