Top 10 WeChat Accounts To Follow

Top 10 WeChat Accounts To Follow

WeChat is one of the most popular Chinese social media platforms, and WeChat Official Accounts are worth your while. We’ve come up with a list of our favorite WeChat official accounts and provided a brief description of what you can expect from each.

We've also added quick "how-to follow a WeChat Official Account" tutorial to the end of this post. Happy reading.

1. NiubiPanda (niubipanda)

NiubiPanda provides daily Mandarin lessons for its subscribers. The page also publishes interesting cultural articles and important information about visas and jobs.

2. GuideinChina (GuideinChina)

The whole idea behind GuideinChina is to provide those moving to China with useful information so as to make the entire transition easy and even fun for them. The account usually publishes news, do’s and don’ts when in China, scam alerts, and nearby events.

3. ShamelessPlus (shamelessplus)

Shameless is arguably the most popular WeChat account among foreigners in China. The blog produces original, insightful, and somewhat shameless take on cultural issues.

The original Shameless account got taken down a couple of years back, so don’t be surprised if you experience periods of inactivity on ShamelessPlus. That said, this is a hilarious account to follow.

4. CHINADAILY (RealTimeChina)

Another extremely popular WeChat account, CHINADAILY features news and fascinating interviews from China and around the globe – all in English!

5. TheEggplant (TheEggplant)

Here’s another official account worth following. TheEggplant account provides the latest news, stories, and publications on topics like travel, lifestyle, and trends in China.

6. LoveBangUniverse (LoveBangUniverse)

Interesting name aside, this Shanghai-based blog is dedicated to posting original artwork, cartoons, music, stories, satire, and op-eds.

7. iMandarin (imandarin)

iMandarin features daily Mandarin lessons for its followers. They also provide important information on the HSK tests every Wednesday.

8. Ctrip (CtripEnglish)

Ctrip’s official account offers excellent daily travel deals if you have some flexibility in your schedule.

9. TEFLlemon (TEFLlemon)

TEFLlemon is a great resource for English teachers anywhere. The account provides teaching tips, news, events, job postings, and more.

10. Shanghaiist (shanghai_ist)

While a lot of Shanghaiist’s content is targeted to those living in, well, Shanghai, a lot of it isn’t. This official account has interesting stories, videos, and pages dedicated to making life easier for the expat in China.

Make sure you hit the ‘follow’ button on the account's main page so you know when they post new content!

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If you're keen to learn more about modern China and Chinese pop culture, check out our list of recommended Chinese podcasts or read our article on Chinese beauty standards.


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